CRIS OHR | 773.425.4294 |

Certified Professional Coach

Discovery Session

This is your time to discover and explore a bit, so you can get a better understanding of what Goal Shift Coaching is all about. It’s the launch pad for a productive and successful coaching relationship, and it only takes about 30 minutes. The Discovery Session is often conducted via phone, like many coaching calls. Here is what you can expect from our first call.

First, we’ll discuss coaching—what it is, and as importantly, what it is not. We’ll review the benefits you can realize from our alliance. Next, you’ll get a brief sample of what the coaching experience actually feels like. This sample session will be based on you—what you really want to happen and what seems to be eluding you in your personal life or at work. Then, I’ll cover the details of our coaching relationship, how it works and answer any questions you might have. Finally, and equally as important, is chemistry. It’s essential for us to determine that we’re a good fit, because coaching is a partnership grounded in trust and confidentiality.

Remember, coaching is the bridge from where you are today to where you want to be!

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