Your Golf Shift Performance Mastery Blueprint
These five core components are critical in unlocking your true potential within your game.
1: Creating Your Game Plan
Many golfers are looking to improve but don’t know exactly what that “something” is or they have only defined part of the goal and not the complete picture around the type of experience they want while golfing, or how to handle adversity.
In this component, you will:
- Learn the basics and foundation of Golf Shift’s Core Performance Dynamics.
- Create your vision with specific goals.
- Build out your approach and your program.
2: Establishing Your Energy and Performance Benchmarks
You will learn about the nature of energy and how it impacts you as a person and golfer each day. Think of two aspects as in short and long term. Long-term energy is more about your frame of reference and overall attitude of life, while short-term energy is more about how you relate to a specific task or goal in a current moment. Bottom line is we typically show up on the course like we show up in life.
In this component, you will:
- Discover where and why you are stuck in certain patterns.
- Learn to develop acute awareness of how you think, feel, and act so that you can breakthrough your limiting thoughts and undesired reactions.
- Explore mastery versus a performance focus and how it impacts your growth.
3: Finding and Harnessing your Performance Influencers
Whether you are an elite golfer or a weekend warrior, you are subjected to multiple inner and outer elements that can hinder your performance. These are the Core Energy Influencers and by understanding and knowing how to handle these energy draining distractions you can gain a competitive edge over your competition, as well as your old limiting mindset.
Learn how to make real, meaningful and intentional changes in the moment, in a manner that either redirects your momentum to get you back on track or further enhances your energy when things are going well. You will develop strategies to revamp, rethink, and retry on the fly for positive real time results.
Understand how to boost your energy and performance as you are playing while you develop your personal success formula capitalizing on your strengths, traits, preferences and attitude.
In this component, you will:
- Learn how to create shifts for yourself that produce high levels of energy in the moment.
- Create action plans and determine which intervention strategies work best for you to deliver your ideal performance state.
- See, feel and understand how much these influencers detract from your ability to perform at your current capacity.
4: Mastering the 10 Core Disciplines
Where do distractions, lack of motivation, sagging confidence, sabotaging self-talk and other negative patterns that plague athletes come from? Elite athletes get their calm, cool swagger from a frame of mind, an attitude, a strong energy that keeps their motivation high, and their resiliency strong. This 4th component reveals the 10 Core Disciplines that are instrumental to bring out your ideal performance state.
In this component, you will:
- Learn about and practice each disciplines.
- Create a personal success strategy based on these disciplines that unleashes your energy, potential and performance.
- Discover a “way of being” that will be key to bringing our your peak performance.
5: Optimizing Your Success Formula
A critical element to understand and embrace is what worked yesterday may not work today, nor should it. Learning how to shift and evolve your approach, building upon what’s working and modifying as you go and eliminating the elements that no longer serve you is a critical learning experience.
Your ability to Golf Shift is where the key optimization comes from. By knowing what’s at the core of your performance you can continually focus on cause INSTEAD of effect, and improve your game for long term.