CRIS OHR | 773.425.4294 |

Certified Professional Coach

Golf-Shift Tools

We utilize robust and dynamic digital tools to support your Golf-Shift commitment.


Robust Online Campus

  • Stay connected between sessions with customizable coaching, engaging content and insightful lessons.
  • Electronic delivery of robust, proprietary content.
  • Journal and retain persoanl insights, ideas and aha moments in a secure place.
  • Instant communication to your Golf-Shift coach.


SCOPE™ Energy Assessment Tool

Unlimited access to SCOPE™ — an intuitive and dynamic 24/7 energy assessment tool, accessible via smart phone, iPad or laptop.

  • Designed to be utilized before play, practice or any personal activity. Your SCOPE™ assessment provides a Performance Factor, measuring how energetically engaged you are regarding the task you have chosen.
  • The SCOPE™ assessment will show you the amount of positive or negative energy you currently have for this task and which Core Influencer factors might be impacting you.
  • SCOPE™ will deliver custom quick and easy strategies you can immediately incorporate to improve your overall energy profile.
  • SCOPE™ is a powerful tool to help you spot and track trends that you and your coach can observe, improve upon and integrate into your personal success formula.

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